Package poptorch_experimental_addons

A collection of addons to PopTorch, with general utility.

import poptorch_experimental_addons as pea

Addons are provided as standalone functions and à la carte via submodules - please explore these to see if pea has something useful for you.

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# Copyright (c) 2023 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.

A collection of addons to [PopTorch](,
with general utility.

import poptorch_experimental_addons as pea

Addons are provided as standalone functions and à la carte via submodules
- please explore these to see if `pea` has something useful for you.

def _load_native_library() -> None:
    import ctypes
    import pathlib
    import sysconfig

    root = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute()
    name = ""
    paths = [
        root / "build" / name,
        (root / name).with_suffix(sysconfig.get_config_vars()["SO"]),
    for path in paths:
        if path.exists():
    raise ImportError(  # pragma: no cover
        f"Cannot find extension library {name} - tried {[str(p) for p in paths]}"


from . import collectives, sharded, sparse  # NOQA:F401,E402
from ._impl.core import *  # NOQA:F401,E402,F403
from ._impl.core import __all__  # NOQA:F401,E402



Primitives for collective communication across IPU clusters.


A collection of functions to support sharded matrix multiplications under a variety of different sharded tensor constraints …


Static sparse-dense matrix multiplication for inference …


def autograd_proxy(fwd: torch.Tensor, proxy: torch.Tensor) ‑> torch.Tensor

Return one tensor in the forward pass, using a separate tensor for the backward pass.

Typically, used y = autograd_proxy(f(x), g(x)), in which case the forward pass uses f, such that y = f(x), and the backward pass uses g, such that dy/dx = dg/dx.

For example, a straight-through estimator for round:

y = autograd_proxy(torch.round(x), x)

Note that fwd, proxy and the output all have the same shape.

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def autograd_proxy(fwd: Tensor, proxy: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    Return one tensor in the forward pass, using a separate tensor for the
    backward pass.

    Typically, used `y = autograd_proxy(f(x), g(x))`, in which case the forward pass
    uses `f`, such that `y = f(x)`, and the backward pass uses `g`, such that
    `dy/dx = dg/dx`.

    For example, a straight-through estimator for `round`:
    y = autograd_proxy(torch.round(x), x)

    Note that `fwd`, `proxy` and the output all have the same shape.
    if fwd.shape != proxy.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            f"autograd_proxy expects both arguments to have the same shape, actual:"
            f"fwd.shape: {fwd.shape}, proxy.shape: {proxy.shape}"
    y: Tensor
    if poptorch.isRunningOnIpu():
        (y,) = poptorch.custom_op(
            [fwd, proxy],
        y = _AutogradProxy.apply(fwd, proxy)  # type:ignore[no-untyped-call]
    return y
def distance_matrix(tensor1: torch.Tensor, tensor2: torch.Tensor, p: int) ‑> torch.Tensor

p-norm broadcasted pairwise distance between two collections of vectors.

Computes p-norm reduction along trailing dimension of tensor1[:,None,:] - tensor2[None,:,:] without materializing the intermediate broadcasted difference, for memory optimization.

tensor1 – shape (M, K) tensor2 – shape (N, K) returns – shape (M, N)

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def distance_matrix(tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor, p: int) -> Tensor:
    p-norm broadcasted pairwise distance between two collections of vectors.

    Computes p-norm reduction along trailing dimension of
    tensor1[:,None,:] - tensor2[None,:,:] without materializing the intermediate
    broadcasted difference, for memory optimization.

    tensor1 -- shape (M, K)
    tensor2 -- shape (N, K)
    returns --  shape (M, N)
    if p not in [1, 2]:
        raise NotImplementedError("distance_matrix implemented only for p=1,2")

    if tensor1.dim() != 2 or tensor2.dim() != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "distance_matrix requires 2-dimensional inputs"
            f" `tensor1` (dim = {tensor1.dim()}) and `tensor2` (dim = {tensor2.dim()})"

    if tensor1.shape[-1] != tensor2.shape[-1]:
        raise ValueError(
            "distance_matrix requires rightmost dimension of same size"
            f" for `tensor1` ({tensor1.shape[-1]}) and `tensor2` ({tensor2.shape[-1]})"

    y: Tensor
    if poptorch.isRunningOnIpu():
        (y,) = poptorch.custom_op(
            inputs=[tensor1, tensor2],
                    size=[tensor1.shape[0], tensor2.shape[0]],
        y = torch.cdist(tensor1, tensor2, p=p)

    return y
def quantise_fpx(x: torch.Tensor, exponent_bits: int, mantissa_bits: int, rounding: str = 'stochastic', fwd: bool = True, bwd: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> torch.Tensor

Quantise the values in a tensor to a lower-precision floating point format. Note that this is not a cast; the returned tensor has the same dtype as the input.

quantise_fpx(tensor(0.2), exponent_bits=2, mantissa_bits=1, rounding="nearest")
   => 0.25

By default, quantise in the forward pass and return no gradient.

exponent_bits, mantissa_bits – define the FP format (total bits = 1 (sign) + E + M)

rounding – either "nearest" or "stochastic"

fwd – whether to quantise the forward value

bwd – whether to generate & whether to quantise the gradient: bwd=None – no gradient bwd=False – unquantised gradient (straight-through estimator) bwd=True – quantised gradient

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def quantise_fpx(
    x: Tensor,
    exponent_bits: int,
    mantissa_bits: int,
    rounding: str = "stochastic",
    fwd: bool = True,
    bwd: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Tensor:
    Quantise the values in a tensor to a lower-precision floating point format.
    Note that this is not a cast; the returned tensor has the same dtype as the input.

        quantise_fpx(tensor(0.2), exponent_bits=2, mantissa_bits=1, rounding="nearest")
           => 0.25

    By default, quantise in the forward pass and return no gradient.

    exponent_bits, mantissa_bits -- define the FP format (total bits = 1 (sign) + E + M)

    rounding -- either "nearest" or "stochastic"

    fwd -- whether to quantise the forward value

    bwd -- whether to generate & whether to quantise the gradient:
           bwd=None  -- no gradient
           bwd=False -- unquantised gradient (straight-through estimator)
           bwd=True  -- quantised gradient
    if rounding not in ["nearest", "stochastic"]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected quantise(rounding=?) to be 'nearest' or 'stochastic'"
            f", actual '{rounding}'"

    if poptorch.isRunningOnIpu():
        max_exponent_bits = 5
        max_mantissa_bits = 10
        max_exponent_bits = 8
        max_mantissa_bits = 23
    if exponent_bits > max_exponent_bits:
        raise ValueError(
            f"quantise_fpx(exponent_bits={exponent_bits}) not supported, maximum"
            f" number of exponent bits is {max_exponent_bits}"
    if mantissa_bits > max_mantissa_bits:
        raise ValueError(
            f"quantise_fpx(mantissa_bits={mantissa_bits}) not supported, maximum"
            f" number of mantissa bits is {max_mantissa_bits}"

    q: Tensor
    if poptorch.isRunningOnIpu():
        (q,) = poptorch.custom_op(
                bwd={True: "quantise", False: "ste", None: "stop"}[bwd],
        return q

    def _quantise(x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        max_exponent = 2 ** (exponent_bits - 1) - 1
        absmax = 2**max_exponent * (2 - 2**-mantissa_bits)
        downscale = 2.0 ** (126 - max_exponent)
        mask = torch.tensor(
            2 ** (23 - mantissa_bits) - 1, dtype=torch.int32, device=x.device
        offset = (
            torch.randint(  # type:ignore[call-overload]
                0, mask + 1, x.shape, dtype=torch.int32, device=x.device
            if rounding == "stochastic"
            else mask // 2
        # Manually clip to max
        # Then scale down (to generate appropriate subnormals) & mask off mantissa bits
        q =
        q = torch.clip(x, -absmax, absmax)
        q /= downscale
        q = ((q.view(torch.int32) + offset) & ~mask).view(torch.float32)
        q *= downscale
        q =
        return q

    class F(torch.autograd.Function):
        def forward(  # type:ignore[override]
            ctx: torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx, xx: Tensor
        ) -> Tensor:
            return _quantise(xx) if fwd else xx.clone()

        def backward(  # type:ignore[override]
            ctx: torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx, grad_y: Tensor
        ) -> Optional[Tensor]:
            if bwd is not None:
                return _quantise(grad_y) if bwd else grad_y
            return None

    q = F.apply(x)  # type:ignore[no-untyped-call]
    return q
def quantise_fpx_grad(x: torch.Tensor, exponent_bits: int, mantissa_bits: int, rounding: str = 'stochastic') ‑> torch.Tensor

Quantise the gradient while leaving the forward value unchanged.

See quantise_fpx() for more detail.

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def quantise_fpx_grad(
    x: Tensor,
    exponent_bits: int,
    mantissa_bits: int,
    rounding: str = "stochastic",
) -> Tensor:
    Quantise the gradient while leaving the forward value unchanged.

    See `quantise_fpx` for more detail.
    return quantise_fpx(
def quantise_fpx_ste(x: torch.Tensor, exponent_bits: int, mantissa_bits: int, rounding: str = 'stochastic') ‑> torch.Tensor

Quantise the forward value while leaving the gradient unchanged, as a straight-through estimator.

See quantise_fpx() for more detail.

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def quantise_fpx_ste(
    x: Tensor,
    exponent_bits: int,
    mantissa_bits: int,
    rounding: str = "stochastic",
) -> Tensor:
    Quantise the forward value while leaving the gradient unchanged, as a
    straight-through estimator.

    See `quantise_fpx` for more detail.
    return quantise_fpx(