Module poptorch_experimental_addons.sparse

Static sparse-dense matrix multiplication for inference.

These APIs are based on a block COO format, created as:

torch.sparse_coo_tensor(indices, values, size=(n_row_blocks, n_col_blocks))
#   indices -- shape (2, nnz_blocks) -- row and column block indices
#   values -- shape (nnz_blocks, block_size, block_size)

To transpose or convert to dense, use the included functions block_coo_transpose() and block_coo_to_dense(), in order to ensure the correct handling of blocks

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# Copyright (c) 2023 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.

from ._impl.sparse import *  # NOQA:F401,F403
from ._impl.sparse import __all__, __doc__  # NOQA:F401


def block_coo_spmm(sparse: torch.Tensor, dense: torch.Tensor, mode: str) ‑> torch.Tensor

A block-COO matrix multiplication.

  • if mode=="sparse_dense", y = sparse @ dense
  • if mode=="dense_sparse", y = dense @ sparse

sparse – torch.sparse_coo_tensor – should be coalesced, dimensions (blocks_row, blocks_col, block_size_row, block_size_col)

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def block_coo_spmm(sparse: Tensor, dense: Tensor, mode: str) -> Tensor:
    A block-COO matrix multiplication.

    - if `mode=="sparse_dense"`, `y = sparse @ dense`
    - if `mode=="dense_sparse"`, `y = dense @ sparse`

    sparse -- torch.sparse_coo_tensor -- should be coalesced, dimensions
              `(blocks_row, blocks_col, block_size_row, block_size_col)`
    if poptorch.isRunningOnIpu():
        return block_coo_spmm_ipu(sparse, dense, mode)
    return block_coo_spmm_gs(sparse, dense, mode)
def block_coo_spmm_gs(sparse: torch.Tensor, dense: torch.Tensor, mode: str) ‑> torch.Tensor

Implement a block sparse COO matmul "manually" using gather-multiply-scatter.

See block_coo_spmm().

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def block_coo_spmm_gs(sparse: Tensor, dense: Tensor, mode: str) -> Tensor:
    Implement a block sparse COO matmul "manually" using gather-multiply-scatter.

    See `block_coo_spmm()`.
    if sparse.layout != torch.sparse_coo:
        raise ValueError(f"Expected sparse_coo `lhs`, actual layout: {sparse.layout}")

    if mode == "sparse_dense":
        lhs = sparse
        rhs = dense
    elif mode == "dense_sparse":
        lhs = block_coo_transpose(sparse)
        rhs = dense.T
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected block_coo_spmm_gs mode either 'sparse_dense' or 'dense_sparse'"

    blocks_out, blocks_in, block_size_out, block_size_in = lhs.shape
    elements_in, batch_size = rhs.shape
    elements_out = blocks_out * block_size_out
    indices_out, indices_in = lhs.indices()

    if elements_in != blocks_in * block_size_in:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Block sparse input size ({blocks_in} blocks * {block_size_in})"
            f" does not match dense input size ({elements_in})"

    # 1. Gather
    inputs = rhs.view(blocks_in, block_size_in, batch_size)[indices_in]
    # 2. Multiply
    products = lhs.values() @ inputs
    # 3. Scatter
    output = torch.scatter_add(
        torch.zeros(blocks_out, block_size_out, batch_size, dtype=rhs.dtype),
        index=indices_out[:, None, None].expand(-1, block_size_out, batch_size),
    ).view(elements_out, batch_size)

    return output.T if mode == "dense_sparse" else output
def block_coo_spmm_ipu(sparse: torch.Tensor, dense: torch.Tensor, mode: str) ‑> torch.Tensor

IPU-only spmm using popsparse::static_::matMul.

See block_coo_spmm().

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def block_coo_spmm_ipu(sparse: Tensor, dense: Tensor, mode: str) -> Tensor:
    IPU-only spmm using `popsparse::static_::matMul`.

    See `block_coo_spmm()`.

    if mode not in ["sparse_dense", "dense_sparse"]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected block_coo_spmm_ipu mode either 'sparse_dense' or 'dense_sparse'"
    if sparse.layout != torch.sparse_coo:
        raise ValueError(
            "block_coo_spmm_ipu requires `sparse` to be torch.sparse_coo_tensor"
            f", actual {sparse.layout}"
    if sparse.sparse_dim() != 2 or sparse.dense_dim() != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"block_coo_spmm_ipu requires `sparse` to be 2D block sparse, with"
            f" sparse_dim ({sparse.sparse_dim()}) == 2"
            f", dense_dim ({sparse.dense_dim()}) == 2",
    if sparse.shape[2] != sparse.shape[3]:
        raise ValueError(
            "block_coo_spmm_ipu requires square blocks i.e. shape (*, *, B, B)"
            f", actual: {sparse.shape}"
    if len(dense.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "block_coo_spmm_ipu supports only 2D dense operands"
            f", actual shape: {sparse.shape}"

    if mode == "sparse_dense":
        output_shape = (sparse.shape[0] * sparse.shape[2], dense.shape[1])
    elif mode == "dense_sparse":
        output_shape = (dense.shape[0], sparse.shape[1] * sparse.shape[3])

    row_indices, col_indices = sparse.indices().numpy()
    nzvalues = sparse.values().numpy().flatten()

    y: Tensor
    (y,) = poptorch.custom_op(
            torch.zeros(output_shape, dtype=dense.dtype, device=dense.device)
            n_rows=sparse.shape[0] * sparse.shape[2],
            n_cols=sparse.shape[1] * sparse.shape[3],
            # Poplar expects (row, col) element indices, not block indices
            rows=(sparse.shape[2] * row_indices).tolist(),
            cols=(sparse.shape[3] * col_indices).tolist(),
    return y
def block_coo_to_dense(tensor: torch.Tensor) ‑> torch.Tensor

Convert a block sparse tensor to dense.

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def block_coo_to_dense(tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Convert a block sparse tensor to dense."""
    if tensor.sparse_dim() != tensor.dense_dim():
        raise ValueError(
            f"Block COO requires sparse_dim ({tensor.sparse_dim()})"
            f" == dense_dim ({tensor.dense_dim()})"

    rank = tensor.sparse_dim()

    # interleave blocks & block sizes
    permutation = tuple(np.stack([range(rank), range(rank, 2 * rank)], -1).flatten())
    blocks, block_size = np.array_split(tensor.shape, [rank])
    shape = tuple(blocks * block_size)

    return tensor.to_dense().permute(permutation).reshape(shape)
def block_coo_transpose(tensor: torch.Tensor) ‑> torch.Tensor

The 2D matrix transpose of a block sparse tensor.

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def block_coo_transpose(tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """The 2D matrix transpose of a block sparse tensor."""
    return tensor.permute(1, 0, 3, 2).coalesce()
def magnitude_prune(matrix: torch.Tensor, block_size: int, density: float, ord: int = 2) ‑> torch.Tensor

Basic single-tensor block magnitude pruning.

Groups matrix into blocks of size block_size x block_size, then creates a sparse COO tensor retaining the largest-magnitude blocks such that result.values().nelement() / matrix.nelement() <= density.

returns – Tensor – a COO block-sparse tensor of shape (blocks_row, blocks_col, block_size, block_size)

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def magnitude_prune(
    matrix: Tensor, block_size: int, density: float, ord: int = 2
) -> Tensor:
    Basic single-tensor block magnitude pruning.

    Groups `matrix` into blocks of size `block_size x block_size`, then
    creates a sparse COO tensor retaining the largest-magnitude blocks
    such that `result.values().nelement() / matrix.nelement() <= density`.

    returns -- Tensor -- a COO block-sparse tensor of shape
               `(blocks_row, blocks_col, block_size, block_size)`
    blocks = matrix.reshape(
        matrix.shape[0] // block_size,
        matrix.shape[1] // block_size,
    norms = torch.linalg.norm(blocks.float(), ord=ord, dim=(1, 3))
    nnz_blocks = int(density * matrix.nelement() / block_size**2)
    topk = torch.topk(norms.view(-1), nnz_blocks).indices
    indices = torch.stack([topk // norms.shape[1], topk % norms.shape[1]])
    return torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
        values=blocks[indices[0], :, indices[1], :],
        size=blocks.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).shape,


class StaticSparseLinear (weight: torch.Tensor)

A linear layer with frozen sparse parameters.

weight – shape (out_features, in_features)

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class StaticSparseLinear(torch.nn.Module):
    A linear layer with frozen sparse parameters.

    weight -- shape `(out_features, in_features)`

    def __init__(self, weight: Tensor):
        self.weight = weight

    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        return (StaticSparseMatrix(self.weight) @ x.T).T


  • torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Class variables

var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool


def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) ‑> torch.Tensor

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

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def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return (StaticSparseMatrix(self.weight) @ x.T).T
class StaticSparseMatrix (matrix: torch.Tensor)

Convenience wrapper for dense @ sparse or sparse @ dense.

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class StaticSparseMatrix:
    """Convenience wrapper for `dense @ sparse` or `sparse @ dense`."""

    matrix: Tensor

    def __matmul__(self, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        return block_coo_spmm(self.matrix, rhs, mode="sparse_dense")

    def __rmatmul__(self, lhs: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        return block_coo_spmm(self.matrix, lhs, mode="dense_sparse")

Class variables

var matrix : torch.Tensor