# Copyright (c) 2023 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
"""Utility functions for developing unit-scaled models."""
import ast
import math
import re
import typing
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import FunctionType, ModuleType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
import einops
import torch
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
from torch import Tensor, fx, nn
from . import functional
from ._internal_utils import generate__all__
class ScalePair:
"""Dataclass containing a pair of scalars, intended to represent the standard
deviation of an arbitrary tensor in the forward and backward passes."""
forward: Optional[float] = None
backward: Optional[float] = None
def __str__(self) -> str:
fwd = f"{self.forward:.3}" if self.forward is not None else "n/a"
bwd = f"{self.backward:.3}" if self.backward is not None else "n/a"
return f"(-> {fwd}, <- {bwd})"
ScaleDict = typing.OrderedDict[str, ScalePair]
class ScaleTracker(torch.autograd.Function):
"""Given a `nn.Tensor`, records its standard deviation in the forward and
backward pass in the supplied `ScalePair`."""
def forward(
ctx: torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx,
t: Tensor,
scale_tracker: ScalePair,
) -> Tensor:
scale_tracker.forward = float(t.std())
ctx.scale_tracker = scale_tracker # type: ignore
return t
def backward( # type:ignore[override]
ctx: torch.autograd.function.FunctionCtx, t: Tensor
) -> Tuple[Tensor, None, None]:
ctx.scale_tracker.backward = float(t.std()) # type: ignore
return t, None, None
def track(t: Tensor, scale_tracker: ScalePair) -> Tensor:
# Add typing information to `apply()` method from `torch.autograd.Function`
apply = cast(Callable[[Tensor, ScalePair], Tensor], ScaleTracker.apply)
return apply(t, scale_tracker)
class ScaleTrackingInterpreter(fx.Interpreter):
"""Wraps an `fx.GraphModule` such than when executed it records the standard
deviation of every intermediate `nn.Tensor` in the forward and backward pass.
module (fx.GraphModule): the module to be instrumented.
def __init__(self, module: fx.GraphModule):
self.scales: typing.OrderedDict[str, ScalePair] = OrderedDict()
def run_node(self, n: fx.Node) -> Any:
out = super().run_node(n)
if isinstance(out, Tensor) and out.is_floating_point():
scale_pair = ScalePair()
out = ScaleTracker.track(out, scale_pair)
self.scales[n.name] = scale_pair
return out
def call_function(
self, target: fx.node.Target, args: Tuple[Any, ...], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Any:
return super().call_function(target, args, kwargs)
def placeholder(
target: fx.node.Target,
args: Tuple[fx.node.Argument, ...],
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Any:
"""To handle functions being passed as arguments (for example constraints) the
tracer represents them as placeholder nodes. This method extracts the original
function from the node, as stored in the `target_to_function` dict."""
if isinstance(target, str) and target.startswith("function_placeholder__"):
return self.module.graph._tracer_extras["target_to_function"][
] # pragma: no cover
return super().placeholder(target, args, kwargs)
def _record_scales(
fx_graph_module: fx.GraphModule,
inputs: Tuple[Tensor, ...],
backward: Optional[Tensor] = None,
) -> ScaleDict:
"""Given a `torch.fx.GraphModule`, and dummy tensors to feed into the forward and
backward passes, returns a dictionary of the scales (standard deviations) of every
intermediate tensor in the model (forward and backward pass).
fx_graph_module (fx.GraphModule): the module to record.
input (Tuple[Tensor, ...]): fed into the forward pass for analysis.
backward (Tensor, optional): fed into the output's `.backward()` method for
analysis. Defaults to `None`, equivalent to calling plain `.backward()`.
ScaleDict: An ordered dictionary with `ScalePair`s for each intermediate tensor.
tracking_module = ScaleTrackingInterpreter(fx_graph_module)
out = tracking_module.run(*inputs)
return tracking_module.scales
def _annotate(code: str, scales: ScaleDict, syntax_highlight: bool) -> str:
"""Given a string representation of some code and an `ScaleDict` with accompanying
scales, annotates the code to include the scales on the right-hand side."""
function_placeholder_regex = r"function_placeholder__(\w+)"
def is_function_placeholder_line(code_line: str) -> bool:
return bool(re.search(f" = {function_placeholder_regex}$", code_line))
def cleanup_function_signature(code_line: str) -> str:
code_line = re.sub(f", {function_placeholder_regex}", "", code_line)
inner_code_line = code_line.split("(", 1)[1]
replacement = re.sub(r"_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)_", r"\1", inner_code_line)
return code_line.replace(inner_code_line, replacement)
def annotate_line(code_line: str) -> str:
if code_line.startswith("torch.fx._symbolic_trace.wrap"):
return ""
code_line = code_line.split(";")[0]
if is_function_placeholder_line(code_line): # pragma: no cover
return ""
words = code_line.strip().split(" ")
if words:
if words[0] in scales:
return f"{code_line}; {scales[words[0]]}"
elif words[0] == "def":
parsed = ast.parse(code_line + "\n\t...").body[0]
assert isinstance(parsed, ast.FunctionDef)
arg_names = [arg.arg for arg in parsed.args.args]
scale_strs = [str(scales[a]) for a in arg_names if a in scales]
code_line = cleanup_function_signature(code_line)
if scale_strs:
return f"{code_line} {', '.join(scale_strs)}" # pragma: no cover
return code_line
return code_line
def remove_empty_lines(code_lines: Iterator[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
return (line for line in code_lines if line.strip())
code_lines = map(annotate_line, code.splitlines())
code = "\n".join(remove_empty_lines(code_lines)).strip()
code = code.replace("unit_scaling_functional_", "U.")
if syntax_highlight:
return highlight(code, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) # pragma: no cover
return code
class _DeepTracer(fx.Tracer):
"""Version of `torch.fx.Tracer` which recurses into all sub-modules (if specified).
recurse_modules (bool): toggles recursive behavour. Defaults to True.
autowrap_modules (Tuple[ModuleType]): defaults to
`(math, einops, U.functional)`,
Python modules whose functions should be wrapped automatically
without needing to use fx.wrap().
autowrap_function (Tuple[Callable, ...]): defaults to `()`,
Python functions that should be wrapped automatically without
needing to use fx.wrap().
def __init__(
recurse_modules: bool = True,
autowrap_modules: Tuple[ModuleType, ...] = (math, einops, functional),
autowrap_functions: Tuple[Callable[..., Any], ...] = (),
) -> None:
autowrap_modules=autowrap_modules, # type: ignore[arg-type]
self.recurse_modules = recurse_modules
self.target_to_function: Dict[str, FunctionType] = {}
self.function_to_node: Dict[FunctionType, fx.Node] = {}
# Fixes: `TypeError: __annotations__ must be set to a dict object`
if id(FunctionType) in self._autowrap_function_ids:
def is_leaf_module(self, m: nn.Module, module_qualified_name: str) -> bool:
return not self.recurse_modules
def create_arg(self, a: Any) -> fx.node.Argument:
"""Replaces callable arguments with strings for tracing."""
if isinstance(a, FunctionType): # pragma: no cover
node = self.function_to_node.get(a)
if node is None:
assert hasattr(
a, "__name__"
), f"can't create arg for unnamed function: {a}"
name = getattr(a, "__name__")
target = f"function_placeholder__{name}"
node = self.create_node("placeholder", target, (), {}, name)
self.target_to_function[target] = a
self.function_to_node[a] = node
return node
return super().create_arg(a)
def trace(
root: Union[torch.nn.Module, Callable[..., Any]],
concrete_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> fx.Graph:
"""Adds the `target_to_function` dict to the graph so the interpreter can use it
graph = super().trace(root, concrete_args)
if not hasattr(graph, "_tracer_extras") or graph._tracer_extras is None:
graph._tracer_extras = {}
graph._tracer_extras["target_to_function"] = self.target_to_function
return graph
def analyse_module(
module: nn.Module,
inputs: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]],
backward: Optional[Tensor] = None,
recurse_modules: bool = True,
syntax_highlight: bool = True,
autowrap_modules: Tuple[ModuleType, ...] = (math, einops, functional),
autowrap_functions: Tuple[Callable[..., Any], ...] = (),
) -> str:
"""Given a `nn.Module` and dummy forward and backward tensors, generates code
representing the module annotated with the scales (standard deviation) of each
tensor in both forward and backward passes. Implemented using `torch.fx`.
module (nn.Module): the module to analyse.
inputs (Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]): fed into the forward pass for
backward (Tensor, optional): fed into the output's `.backward()` method for
analysis. Defaults to `None`, equivalent to calling plain `.backward()`.
recurse_modules (bool, optional): toggles recursive behavour. Defaults to True.
syntax_highlight (bool, optional): Defaults to True.
autowrap_modules (Tuple[ModuleType]): defaults to
`(math, einops, U.functional)`,
Python modules whose functions should be wrapped automatically
without needing to use fx.wrap().
autowrap_function (Tuple[Callable, ...]): defaults to `()`,
Python functions that should be wrapped automatically without
needing to use fx.wrap().
a code string representing the operations in the module with scale
annotations for each tensor, reflecting their standard deviations in the
forward and backward passes.
>>> class MLP(nn.Module):
>>> def __init__(self, d):
>>> super().__init__()
>>> self.fc1 = nn.Linear(d, d * 4)
>>> self.relu = nn.ReLU()
>>> self.fc2 = nn.Linear(d * 4, d)
>>> def forward(self, x):
>>> x = self.fc1(x)
>>> x = self.relu(x)
>>> x = self.fc2(x)
>>> return x
>>> hidden_size = 2**10
>>> x = torch.randn(hidden_size, hidden_size).requires_grad_()
>>> bwd = torch.randn(hidden_size, hidden_size)
>>> code = analyse_module(MLP(hidden_size), x, bwd)
>>> print(code)
def forward(self, x): (-> 1.0, <- 0.236)
fc1_weight = self.fc1.weight; (-> 0.018, <- 6.54)
fc1_bias = self.fc1.bias; (-> 0.0182, <- 6.51)
linear = torch._C._nn.linear(x, fc1_weight, fc1_bias); (-> 0.578, <- 0.204)
relu = torch.nn.functional.relu(linear, inplace = False); (-> 0.337, <- 0.288)
fc2_weight = self.fc2.weight; (-> 0.00902, <- 13.0)
fc2_bias = self.fc2.bias; (-> 0.00904, <- 31.6)
linear_1 = torch._C._nn.linear(relu, fc2_weight, fc2_bias); (-> 0.235, <- 0.999)
return linear_1
""" # noqa: E501
tracer = _DeepTracer(recurse_modules, autowrap_modules, autowrap_functions)
fx_graph = tracer.trace(module)
fx_graph_module = fx.GraphModule(tracer.root, fx_graph)
if not isinstance(inputs, tuple):
inputs = (inputs,)
scales = _record_scales(fx_graph_module, inputs, backward)
return _annotate(fx_graph_module.code, scales, syntax_highlight=syntax_highlight)
__all__ = generate__all__(__name__)