10 minute read

The last month saw impressive developments in the space of efficient transformers and applied ML, from materials discovery to chip design.

Researchers at Microsoft showed that FP8 could be used in parts of the LLM training process that until now had been kept in higher-precision, and work from ETH Zurich suggested a simplified way of designing transformer-like models.

In terms of applications, DeepMind have impressive results showing that GNNs can be used in the discovery of new inorganic crystals — a key building block of many modern technologies. Nvidia have also trained up a model to assist their engineers on chip design. This is a neat feedback loop: their chip design has facilitated better LLMs, and now their LLMs could facilitate better chip design. How useful this will be in practice remains to be seen.

Here’s our summary of this month’s chosen papers:

FP8-LM: Training FP8 Large Language Models

Authors: Houwen Peng, Kan Wu, Yixuan Wei, et al. (Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Research)


The key idea

The authors show that you can use FP8 weights, gradients, optimizer states and distributed training without loss of accuracy or new hyperparameters. This is great because it reduces the memory overhead of training, as well as the bandwidth costs.

They train up to 175B GPT models on H100s, with a 64% speed-up over BF16. Pretty impressive, and a bit faster than Nvidia’s Transformer Engine.

A plot with Model Size (B) on the x-axis and Number of GPUs on the y-axis. Two lines showing BF16 and FP8. BF16 requires more GPUs for a given model size vs FP8 (curve underneath).


The fact that LLMs can be trained “in FP8” has been well established, but what does this mean? In reality, all FP8 training is mixed-precision as putting all tensors in FP8 degrades the model. The simplest and most common approach is just to cast linear layers to FP8, gaining the benefit of improved FLOP/s assuming you have hardware with accelerated FP8 arithmetic.

However this misses out on a second benefit - reduced memory and bandwidth costs if we can also store/load values in FP8. It’s less clear from previous literature what else you can put in FP8 without things degrading.

Their method


The issue here is scaling the gradient all-reduce ($g = \sum_{i=0}^N g_i / N$) so it doesn’t overflow or underflow the narrow FP8 range. Two naïve approaches are to either apply the $1/N$ scaling to each individual $g_i$ before the reduction (risks underflow), or to the final $g$ afterwards (risks overflow).

They fix this by partially scaling before, and the rest after the all-reduce. The scaling factor used is determined empirically by gradually increasing the scale, but backing off on overflows.

Their FP8 tensors also have an associated scale. To make this work with the existing Nvidia comms library, they also add a scheme to sync up scales across distributed tensors before the all-reduce.


The most basic Adam implementation uses FP32 for all elements (4 bytes):

Image showing 4 bytes for master weights, 4 for gradients, 4+4 for Adam states.

They suggest that the following mix of FP16/8 is viable without degradation:

Image showing 2 bytes for master weights, 1 for gradients, 1+2 for Adam states.

I think the previous assumption was that the best you could do was (2 + 1 + 2 + 4) here - so intriguing to know that the Adam moment states may be able to go smaller. This is their storage format; it’s not clear what formats are used in the update computation.


Their method gets significant speedups versus the BF16 baseline, and uses a little less memory (I would have expected a larger improvement? Though they suggest you get more savings as you scale, as in Fig. 1).

In terms of throughput they only beat TE at the large-scale (due to comms being more of an issue here), but there is a consistent memory improvement.

Plot showing that training loss of FP8 matches FP16 for GPT 7B, 13B and 175B. Below, table showing similar downstream task performance of FP8 vs BF16.

Key to all of this of course is their assertion that these efficiency savings don’t degrade the model. Looking at the loss curves and downstream performance, this seems to hold up:

Table showing that their FP8 implementation has better throughput and lower memory usage than BF16 (by far) and FP8 with transformer engine (by less) across model sizes.

Overall, their claim to be the best FP8 solution seems justified. I imagine many organisations with FP8 hardware will adopt a trick or two from this paper - especially as they provide a PyTorch implementation.

Full paper: FP8-LM: Training FP8 Large Language Models

Simplifying Transformer Blocks

Authors: Bobby He, Thomas Hofmann (ETH Zurich)


The key idea

Are there any parts of the standard transformer architecture that can be simplified without diminishing performance?

The authors propose several simplifications to the conventional transformer blocks with no loss in training speed, parallelising attention and MLP layers while fully removing skip connections, value and projection parameters, as well as normalisation layers.


Their method

The authors utilise signal propagation theory as well as empirical evidence to motivate the proposed architectural changes. Notably, they observed:

  • Skip connections can be safely removed from the attention and MLP layers without affecting training performance, as long as they are appropriately compensated by changes to weight initialisations.
  • Fixing the skip connection issues allowed the authors to remove the value and projection matmuls from the attention layers altogether without further degradation.
  • Normalisation layers implicitly down-weight residual branches: as this is achieved in the first two steps, they can also be removed. However, the authors note that leaving the normalisation layers led to a slight improvement in training loss.



The authors tested the simplified transformer architecture on both decoder-only model training (Figure 5) and encoder-only training (Figure 7). In both cases, they find that their architecture (SAS/SAS-P) is able to reach baseline performance, while providing ~15% throughput boost.


The paper gives good insight into why some of the standard architectural choices are needed in transformer models, and how these can be addressed differently through weight reparametrisation/initialisation. The models investigated are relatively small in size (100-300M), so more evidence is needed to show the practicality of the changes at larger model sizes.

Full paper: Simplifying Transformer Blocks

Scaling Deep Learning for Materials Discovery

Authors: Amil Merchant, Simon Batzner, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Muratahan Aykol, Gowoon Cheon & Ekin Dogus Cubuk (Google DeepMind)


The key idea

The paper presents a strategy to efficiently explore the space of possible inorganic crystals, employing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to filter candidate structures for further expensive computational modelling using Density Functional Theory (DFT). By incorporating the new properties predicted using DFT back into the training set and periodically retraining the GNN, the authors describe an active learning approach that bootstraps their discovery process.

Plot of OoD MAE against training set size, showing GNoME benefiting from increasing the dataset size

Figure 1e. GNoME (Graph Networks for Materials Exploration) demonstrates emergent generalization when tested on out-of-domain inputs from random structure search. Improvements exhibit a power law with increasing data, indicating progress towards a universal energy model.


The discovery of energetically favourable inorganic crystals enables breakthroughs in key technologies like microchips and batteries, but traditionally the discovery process is bottlenecked by expensive physical experimentation or first-principal computational simulations. There has been great interest in machine-learning approximations of computational methods such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), but so far they have not been successful in predicting crystal stability. Quantity of available training data is often seen as a limiting factor.

Their method

For breadth of search, the authors employ two frameworks for candidate generation.

The Structural Pipeline: Here new candidates are formed by modifying existing crystals, prioritising discovery and incorporating symmetry-aware partial substitutions to efficiently enable incomplete replacements. Candidates are filtered using the GNoME models, and employ a deep ensemble strategy to quantify uncertainty.

The Compositional Pipeline: Compositional models predict stability without structural information (just using the chemical formula). After filtering using GNoME models, randomised structures are evaluated using Ab Initio Random Structure Search (AIRSS).

A process diagram showing GNNs employed to select candidates for DFT, and results fed back to the GNN

Figure 1a. The active learning approach, employing two candidate-generation frameworks.

The GNoME models are message-passing networks which take one-hot embedded elements as nodes and predict the total energy of a crystal. In Structural models, there is a node per atom, and edges are added to the graph between any two nodes that are closer than an interatomic cut-off distance. However, for Compositional models, there is one node per element present, and the relative frequency of each element is encoded by scaling the magnitude of the embeddings. An edge is added between every node, so these GNNs begin to look a bit like a Transformer operating on the chemical formula.


Exploration using GNoME has produced 381,000 new stable materials, which the authors suggest is an order of magnitude larger than the set of previously known materials. 736 of these have since been physically realised in a laboratory setting.

Full paper: Scaling Deep Learning for Materials Discovery

ChipNeMo: Domain-Adapted LLMs for Chip Design

Authors: Mingjie Liu, Teodor-Dumitru Ene, Robert Kirby, Chris Cheng, Nathaniel Pinckney, Rongjian Liang, et al. (Nvidia)


The key idea

The authors describe the practical application of an LLM to assist engineers working on chip design at NVIDIA. They explore the importance of domain adaptation, scale and retrieval augmentation to achieve good performance in three applications: an engineering assistant chatbot, electronic design automation (EDA) script generation and bug summarisation.

diagram of the ChipNeMo training flow, 1) pretraining, producing foundation models (LLaMA2), 2) domain-adaptive pretraining, producing ChipNeMo foundation models, and supervised fine-tuning, producing ChipNeMo chat models

Their method

ChipNeMo takes a pretrained generalist LLM such as LLaMA2, then adapts & fine-tunes the model for better performance on chip design tasks. First, the tokeniser is augmented by extending the byte pair encoding (BPE) vocabulary from a domain-specific tokeniser, going from 32k -> 41k total tokens. The model is fine-tuned on an internal chip design dataset, then fine-tuned for chat on a mixture of open-source general and internal in-domain examples. Finally, retrieval augmentation is used with a domain-adapted retrieval embedding model based on E5.


Results show the utility of domain adaptation and retrieval in boosting task performance, allowing a much smaller domain-adapted model to often outperform a large generalist model.

Chip design domain benchmarks for LLaMA2 versus ChipNeMo, both 7b and 13b, showing best performance across the board for ChipNeMo-13b, while ChipNeMo-7b outperforms LLaMA2-13b on some tasks

Some interesting points:

  • The benefit of domain-adaptation is task-dependent, e.g. for Python coding the larger generalist model (LLaMA2-70b-chat) outperforms ChipNeMo-13b, but vice versa for TCL coding.
  • They found full fine-tuning to outperform LoRA.

table showing that full fine-tuning considerably out-performs LoRA, on domain adaptation for chip design

Full paper: ChipNeMo: Domain-Adapted LLMs for Chip Design
